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日本TiGLON D-Ren Sheet 墊片



日本TiGLON D-Ren Sheet 登場!

TiGLON 繼D-Ren Pro 之後, 廠方集合了D-Ren Pro 原有的設計及技術應用在化震板上, 在本年中隆重推出 D-Ren Sheet 薄型墊板. D-Ren Sheet 分別由兩片厚度為0.6及0.8 mm的合金板經TiGLON 自家開發的マグネティックゼロプロセス工序組合而成.這個工序能夠提高合金的吸收震盪能力.

D-Ren Sheet 的用途非常廣泛, 而且價錢非常經濟實惠, 其中有以下主要用途:

1. 直接墊在器材下面吸收器材自身的震動. 提高細節和微動態.

2. 直接墊在座地喇叭或喇叭腳架的下方可以防止因為地氈面, 石磚或者木質地板造成表面不平坦等問題.

3. 直接墊在用家本身用開的化震板(例如: TiGLON TMB-20E, 50E, 300B …或其他品牌 )下方, 可以大大發揮本身化震板的最佳效能.4. 直接墊在書架喇叭和枱面之間, 可以讓原本細小的書架喇叭頓時擁有大型喇叭的包圍感, 和立體感. 功效非常神奇!


D-Ren Sheet有三種不同的尺寸, 可以配合不同器材使用:

DRS-25 220mm X 290mm X 1.4mm

DRS-40 445mm X 345mm X 1.4mm

DRS-50 490mm X 445mm X 1.4mm


TiGLON tuning sheet D-REN Sheet Audio Board 

The popular Tuning Spacer D-REN, which suppresses complex resonance caused by installation environments such as acoustic equipment and instrument amplifiers, and brings out the original performance of the device

In order to improve sound quality and durability from the previous model (D-REN Black), we have produced repeated tests under the supervision of professional musicians and recording engineers in the recording studio

The magnesium foil sealed inside is 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm thicker, and it has improved electromagnetic wave shielding and vibration absorption performance than previous models
Heat resistant special synthetic rubber has also been slightly hardened pigments and components, making it suitable for use even in harder environments

STEREO Magazine October 2016 Issue, "Science Around Audio Cable" has been rated at the corner of "Realize Crisp, Energetic Sound for Musicists"
Material: Pure magnesium shield, special synthetic rubber hybrid construction
Size: Diameter 2.8 inches (70 mm), Thickness 0.1 inches

TiGLON tuning sheet D-REN Sheet Audio Board 日本TiGLON D-Ren Sheet 墊片

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