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Grand Magnesia


The decade long bestseller “MAGNESIA” rack has been improved in every way conceivable and “GRAND MAGNESIA” is its new name.
To eliminate resonance between each equipment, the newly developed “GMR-SPIKE” is implemented to achieve the ideal of separating structures.
For the shelves, Russian birch, whose moisture content is strictly controlled at the special facility, is applied. Four pieces of newly developed tuning film are affixed on the back in order to remove micro vibration.
For the magnesium poles, “special silicon compound” only developed for this rack is applied as its filler, instead of conventional ultrafine sand for the purpose of vibration control in all the range. Another patented technology ”D-REN RING”, obtained in 2019 is applied to all the poles to cut vibration and static electricity to a minimum.
At the base, a freshly designed magnesium saucer “GMR-BASE” is selected to realize “circle contact” principle, and tightened with D-REN RING to express unprecedented natural sound.
All in all, the long established “MAGNESIA” is now transformed to the ultimate “GRAND MAGNESIA”.

Rack set
GMR-1(1 shelf+70mm pole)
GMR-2(2 shelves+70+330mm pole)
GMR-3(3 shelves+70+200+330mm pole)
GMR-4(4 shelves+70+200+280+330mm pole)
GMR-5(5 shelves+70+200+200+280+330mm pole)
※Pole length can be selected from 70,150,200,280,330mm
※The load capacity is 100kg per shelf
※Inclusive of GMR-BASE
※Considering sound quality and structure, the leg length is only 70mm.

GMR-M7 (4 set of 70mm pole)
GMR-M15 (4 set of 150mm pole)
GMR-M20 (4 set of 200mm pole)
GMR-M28 (4 set of 280mm pole)
GMR-M33 (4 set of 330mm pole)

GMR-BASE (4 set of bottom insulator)


日本產品的品質一向讓人放心,但因為人工等成本相對較高,通常價位也會高一些,日本TiGLON採親民的售價策略,讓發燒友與愛樂者能以負擔的起的售價享受到高品質的產品,廣受世界各地喜愛。TiGLON最早源起於2005年,發表了世界第一個鎂合金打造的喇叭架MGT-60S,沖野賢太郎先生發現鎂金屬(Magnesia, Mg)是非常優良的避震與隔離材料,TiGLON透過混合鎂金屬與其他成分後製為鎂合金,並仰賴其特性應用在喇叭架、音響架、線材隔離上,有非常好的成效,鎂合金的應用是TiGLON最重要的核心技術。


TiGLON GMR在作工上相當有質感而簡潔,可以看出日本人在工藝上的堅持,從樺木承板的裁切打磨和上漆精細度,到支撐柱精準度與安裝時的手感都能感受到設計與製作的用心。與我們一直在使用的TiGLON TMR相比,燁木板本體在目視上應該是完全相同的,僅在底部增添了4個阻尼貼片,而在支撐柱上則多了避震環,且在角錐設計上有很大不同,除了底部的尖端設計外,在調整水平高度上也很簡易方便且更加美觀,並搭配原廠附上的角墊,TiGLON GMR是非常完整且高規格的設計。


TiGLON GMR 鎂合金音響架
● 全新研發的”GMR-SPIKE”腳錐系統。
● 圓柱使用特殊的矽複合材料填充。
● 專利技術”D-REN RING”運用。
● 全新研發的GMR-BASE腳墊。
● 層板為“俄羅斯樺木”,濕度成份經過進一步優化。
● 層板背面加了4片新的阻尼材料。
● 層板: W600 x D500 x H21mm,耐重每層100Kg。
● Made in Japan,日本設計生產。

TiGLON Grand Magnesia GMR Series Audio Hi-Fi Rack

RM2,541.00 Regular Price
RM2,413.95Sale Price
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