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The BA Wooden Akustic Hybrid Diffuser from Begins Acoustics are perfect for absorbing low mids without losing treble effect. It includes an attractive visual design, a reflective front panel with diffuse effect and an absorbent panel, rear. The choice of front panel gives the acoustic module the visually appealing look and its stylish and classy appearance. In addition, the CnC milled front panel also ensures that reflection and distribution of sound from high frequencies can take place throughout the room with good balance. 


Each BA Wooden Akustic Hybrid Diffuser has a complete construction depth of 5.3 cm and is therefore perfectly suited for any living space, whether in the living room, dining room, hallway area or homeoffice.



Each BAWoodenAkustic has a classy decorative front panel with real wood veneer, which are milled to these great patterns with our CnC machines. The stylish and visually appealing look gives the acoustic module a high-end and sophisticated look that blends beautifully and seamlessly with any room design. A sound absorbing acoustic foam panel is attached to the back. Since each Panel is very lightweight, it can be easily and quickly placed in the desired location



600mm x 600mm x 53mm

BA Wooden Akustic With Base Hybird Diffuser

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